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Outer bands will be the primary feature impacting rainfall through 8 p.m.  There is one primary band, extending across the Atlanta metro region west towards Birmingham.  Generally, rainfall is light to moderate.  If this band were to stay in place, rain could accumulate in excess of a couple of inches, however the band is slowly rotating north.


Rainfall amounts so far have been in the 0.25 to 1.0 inch range.  Here is a storm total rainfall estimate.  I suspect that this radar site is modestly overestimating rainfall.

Here is a short-term model for 8 p.m. showing accumulated rainfall.  The outer band is expected to persist into the afternoon with total rainfall rates between 0.25 and 1.5 inches.  A few spots could be higher.


Along the immediate coast – heaviest rain will rmeain offshore until tonight.  However, some of the outer band will rotate in and produce up to 3 inches of rain. 

I will issue another short-term forecast this evening, covering the overnight hours.