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Trend Alert

From time to time I will issue a “Trend Alert.” These are times when I see a notable change in the weather that could bring a period of usually wet or dry weather. The intent is to provide a “heads-up” for planning purposes. Typically, I will...

Alert – ENSO Neutral Conditions

Oceanic Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies have been positive and in a weak El Niño regime since exiting the double dip La Niña this past spring. Three-month running mean temperatures have been positive since this past summer. Most climate models...

Tropical Season 2012 Update

There is only one tropical storm located in the Atlantic, T.S. Oscar, which is the 15th named storm this season. Oscar will pose no threat to the U.S. It is looking more and more likely that we have seen all of the tropical activity for the season. T. S. Nadine...